
Vitamins and Supplements - Husk & Seed

Vitamins and Supplements

Having an excellent skincare ritual like Husk & Seed in your life is a major step in the right direction to achieving your best skin. However, there is no disputing the fact that our skin reflects what is going on within. Our emotions, lifestyle and diet all take their toll on our faces, so if you’re not sleeping or eating well or are suffering from stress and anxiety then it's going to show. 

There is a huge connection between our gut and our skin. A balanced and nutritious diet is key to good skin health, but I’m sure we’re all guilty of over indulging at times on things that aren’t great for us like alcohol, sweets (Wendy, I’m looking at you!) or crisps and cheese (guilty as charged!) with the effects manifesting on our faces in the form of dullness, dehydration and blemishes.  

So if we’re looking to get back our inner glow through nutrients and vitamins which ones do we need to consider? Vitamins A, B, C, E and zinc all play a vital role in good skin health.   

Vitamin C is one of the top skin vitamins and is well-known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to fight free radicals to prevent cell damage.  It also helps protect against sun damage and stimulates collagen production to keep skin smooth and supple. We always recommend getting your vitamin C through food sources like citrus fruits and vegetables, but you can also opt for a vitamin C supplement if you feel you need an extra top up. 

As the most abundant protein in the body, collagen plays a central role in skin health.  It provides structural support in skin tissue, but as we get older our collagen starts to deplete, resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin. You can consume collagen through dietary sources such as chicken skin or fish skin as well as taking collagen supplements. Wendy and I both take supplements to help keep our skin plump, supple and smooth.  There are both vegan and non-vegan options available. 

For non-vegans, fish oil is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids which are highly beneficial to the skin. These fatty acids have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, minimise the effect of sun damage, improve sensitive skin conditions and minimise signs of ageing.  Eating some fresh fish a couple of times a week will keep your fatty acid levels topped up, but if you’re not a lover of fish then invest in a decent fish oil supplement.

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