
Why we include essential oils in our blends. - Husk & Seed

Why we include essential oils in our blends.

Essential oils contain many therapeutic benefits that support the healthy functioning of our mind and bodies. They can help with many health issues from skin concerns, respiratory issues, digestive discomfort to general immunity.  

We formulate with essential oils because they hold soothing, toning and grounding properties which relieve stress and anxiety, improve mood and help us to sleep better. Other oils we use are energising, uplifting, warming, and renewing. As our bodies go through an array of emotions and physical states throughout a single day, essential oils can help us manage and maintain our well-being. 

One way essentials do this is through smell. Our sense of smell is controlled by our limbic system, which is also connected to our hormonal and nervous systems. So simply put, our sense of smell has a direct affect on the way we think and feel.  We’ve all had the experience of smelling something and being immediately transported to another place in time, which can trigger powerful memories! Smelling aromas we enjoy can calm the mind, warm the emotions and soothe nervous tension. 

We always encourage our customers to inhale the essential oils in our products as you apply them. You can do this by cupping your hands over your face. This way you are receiving the wonderful added benefits of a calmer state of mind as well as glowing skin!  Taking a deep inhale of the oils also helps to slow down your breathing and relaxes your shoulders.  We have carefully chosen each essential oil for its ability to relax, ground and uplift you!  

You’ll be surprised at how many of the essential oils we use having a calming effect…it’s not just lavender that has the power to unwind you…these are all excellent stress relievers…


Bergamot – Find it in:

Calm & Soothe Face Mask

Instant Hydration Body Balm


Frankincense - Find it in:

Overnight Replenishing Oil

Gently Resurfacing Facial Exfoliant


Geranium – Find it in:

Hydration Boost Moisturising Balm


Lavender - Find it in:

Gently Nourishing Cleansing Balm

Gently Resurfacing Facial Exfoliant

Calm & Soothe Face Mask

Overnight Replenishing Oil


Mandarin - Find it in: 

Instant Hydration Body Balm 


As well as applying them through our skincare, if you have any essential oils you can add a few drops in an oil burner to make your room a place of tranquility! Zzzzz

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