
Facial Massage for Stress - Husk & Seed

Facial Massage for Stress

We’re all feeling the pressure at the moment in our own ways, for our own reasons. You might be juggling work with home-schooling, caring for a vulnerable person, feeling lonely or isolated or all of the above! It’s important to look after ourselves in whichever way we can, even if we only have a few minutes a day to do that.

One way I like to practice a bit of self-care at the end of a busy day is to turn my skincare routine into a spa-like ritual. This gives me that extra 5 or 10 minutes I need to ground myself and calm by buzzing mind! I often find myself in a flap with a million things to do and this ritual always calms my mind and put things back in perspective. I don’t always have time to do this. Some days I only have time to cleanse and apply a bit of facial oil, but when I do have the time, I definitely feel the benefits.

My Ritual

For me this is the most essential step of the whole ritual. Any products you use need to be applied to a clean face, otherwise you’re wasting your money putting them onto dirty skin! If I’ve been wearing make-up, then I always double-cleanse; once to remove the make-up and SPF and then again to clean the skin. I like to spend a bit longer on the second cleanse, massaging the cleansing balm around my face to boost my circulation and get the blood flow going! The glow you get after doing this makes those few extra moments well worth it! (I’ll talk more a bit later about facial massaging and its benefits). Also, take a moment to cover your face with both hands and inhale the grapefruit and lavender essential oils as their benefits are many, including reducing stress!

After I have removed the cleansing balm with a hot cloth, I then exfoliate my skin. Our exfoliator can be mixed with water for an extra-gentle scrub or with our cleansing balm for a more intense exfoliation (water softens the hibiscus powder, hence why it’s gentler when mixed with water). If I’m adding cleansing balm to the exfoliant then I would do this as my second cleanse so I’m not applying cleanser for a third time!

My favourite step of the ritual! I use this mask all the time and will find any excuse to put some on! As it doesn’t crack or go tight, you can literally wear it around the house for as long as you like. When I’m using it as part of the ritual, I use the 10 or 15 minutes that I have it on to sort out my eyebrows, floss, read some of book. Basically, something that makes me feel better!

As I usually do my ritual at the end of the day, I apply a few drops of the Overnight Replenishing Oil once I’ve removed my mask. This is normally enough hydration for my skin type, but lately in this cold weather and with the central heating on, I’ve been applying a thin layer of the Hydration Boost Moisturising Balm over the top (or if you’re short on time by this point you can mix the two together).

At this point in the ritual, you could try giving yourself a little facial pressure point massage. Wendy is a qualified reflexologist and says the benefits of this are amazing and it doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming! Here are some of the benefits:

- Reduces puffiness
- Drains lymph to release toxins
- Refine the jawline
- Improves circulation to the skin to boost collagen
- Rebalances energy after a long day
- Relaxes any tension in the head and face

Making sure you have clean hands, apply a little bit of Overnight Replenishing Oil or Botanical Day Oil to your face and on your fingertips. This will create a little slip and prevent you dragging your skin as you move around your face. Tracing the heart-shape of your face start in the centre of your forehead, push down quite firmly or use circular motions to ease tension. Do what feels right, linger longer on one spot if it feels good, move on if it’s too sore. Wendy suffers from sinusitis so she finds it especially helpful to press either side of her nose where there is a lymph drainage spot as this can release the pressure. I hold most of my tension in my jaw, so I focus on massaging my jawline, which also helps to keep it firm. Just 3 or 4 minutes of this treatment has so many benefits to your skin and mind.

Give it a try and let us know how you get on!

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